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Who We Are

We are volunteer musicians with diverse talents joined by freindship and a common love of music. Having followed different paths in our musical and spiritual lives, we have come together to offer our gifts to God, to our church community, and to each other.  We are continually challenged to grow into this calling with openness, joy, and humility. 

Our band is a metaphor for Christian life.  We depend upon each other, weaving together our individual gifts for the sake of the whole.  Each person, instrument, and voice is unique and complete in itself, yet no one can make harmony alone. 

We are bound together in love and friendship and by the transcendent power of music made in His name.  We hope it shows in our music and the joy we feel in offering it.

How We Feel About Music

We share both the physical and the spiritual beauty of music. 

We pray as we sing, sing as we pray and just have fun doing it.  Christ is in our midst, having the ability to transform even our messy practice room into sacred space; our sounds, however wild, into an offering of praise and prayer.   

Our musical communion allows a place of soaring melodies, strong instrumentals, and fine arrangements, as well as wacky musical tangents, offbeat rhythms and jokes.


We are enabled by the One who promised to be there, even when two or three are gathered in His name. 

In the end, music offers us a gift – a special bond with each other and the Spirit.


For The Future


We will keep searching, stretching, trying new things, expanding our circle, and allowing our music to evolve.  Our time together will not always be easy or comfortable, but we know it will sometimes be sublime!

We will encourage each person to discern what nurtures his or her soul and to find opportunities to serve the Lord; even if means leaving our presence.

We will strive to increase love and let go of fear. We will remain friends.

In it all, God will be there.

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