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Change the world
The Third Sunday Band returns with a new compilation of original tunes and favorite songs often heard at the Band's live shows and worship services. The original compositions draw on the theme of using our gifts and treasures to change the world. The music speaks to the roots of our faith and making a difference for God's creation and his people. Nothing is impossible with the power of the Holy Spirit and these songs demonstrate that any musical style provides a possibility to praise God and celebrate our faith. Musical diversity is a true signature of the Third Sunday Band.
Pour out Your Spirit by Tom Lane is one of the Band's favorite jam tunes with great opportunities for all instrumentalists. The beautiful Surrender by Marc James is a staple for the Band in its worship services as is Let us Be by Robbie Reider. This unique version of Let us be features a strong bass line and haunting mix of guitar and electric piano. Vocalist Emilie Stafford really belts out this unique driving version of the traditional tune Poor Wayfaring Stranger with piano and organ by former band members, Timothy Arnold-Moore. Breathe by Marie Barnett is covered by many performers and has long been a staple of our worship music. Jeanne Burton adds her name to this list with Al and Emilie on backup vocals. God's World seemed to emerge from a practice session inspired by Tim's synthesizer as an 80's style anthem to caring for creation with the Eleanor Rigby sample sneaking in one evening we played it. Guitarist Norm Mayfield showed up with the tune I'm Free one day at the studio and band Leader, Al Todd insisted that it be recorded. It is a haunting piece. Al Todd and Norm Mayfield also set John Sutton's words to music in the title track, Change the World and the more we played this the more interesting and free form it became. It defies classification.. And then, surprise..... country! Al Todd wrote Starting Over while trying to find inspiration and watching a rerun of the Woodstock music festival hence the 1969 reference. Likewise, a Prayer for the Spirit was written as a plea for spiritual intervention and renovation of the soul. Ginny Owens' I Know who you are, is another Band favorite. A delicate and beautiful tune that serves as such a great lyrical statement of faith. The Band's Blues Sanctus was written as Episcopal service music for a youth retreat and has become an often requested tune at the Church. Al Todd's Disciples provides a fitting conclusion to Change the World, calling all of us to follow him. We can change the dark around us to light, one act of compassion at a time.
Enjoy this soundtrack on your journey to Change the World!
Pour Out Your Spirit
Let Us Be