Call to lead
The Third Sunday band is about more than just making music. We are called to lead worship – where the joy and beauty of playing music is joined with responsibility.
In worship, we seek to unite the physical and the spiritual. Eucharist and the proclamation of God’s word consummate and sanctify the union of the temporal and the eternal. Our music has the same goal, seeking to encourage an encounter with the spirit in us and in those who listen.
We seek a repertoire that reinforces the scriptural message of the day and attempt to refine the quality of our musicianship so that the spirit can enrich our own souls and those of others.
We recognize that the best music moments happen when it all comes together –when we catch a glimpse of both the vastness of God and of our own smallness. At these times, music can transcend those who produce it. We can sense the universality of God’s salvation; yet treasure our personal uniqueness. Its makes us feel alive!
This is our goal for worship.